Arlington Va Noise Ordinance (2024)

1. Noise Control Ordinance - Arlington County

  • The Noise Control Ordinance is the standard for the control of environmental noise ... 2100 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201 View Map · View other County ...

  • The Noise Control Ordinance is the standard for the control of environmental noise and is applied Countywide, except for federal and state regulated properties and thoroughfares.


  • The County Board of Arlington County hereby finds and declares that at certain levels noise can be detrimental to the public's health, safety, ...

3. Arlington publishes guide to noise complaints as neighbors protest ...

4. [PDF] Noise Control Ordinance of Arlington County, Virginia

  • The County Board of Arlington County hereby finds and declares that at certain levels noise can be detrimental to the public's health, safety, ...

5. Arlington to try out new noise-enforcement protocol

  • Oct 23, 2019 · Arlington government officials have added new tools in an effort to address nighttime noise violations from restaurants and bars.

  • Arlington government officials have added new tools in an effort to address nighttime noise violations from restaurants and bars.

6. Arlington County Sets Public Meetings on Proposed Noise Control ...

  • Oct 26, 2012 · Arlington County government will hold two public meetings in November on a staff proposal to update of the County's Noise Control Ordinance, ...

  • Jennifer Zeien

7. [PDF] Barking Dog - Animal Welfare League of Arlington

  • It shall be unlawful for any person who owns, possesses or harbors any animal or bird to permit that animal or bird to create a frequent or continued noise ...

8. [PDF] Understanding NOISE

  • Arlington, Virginia 22201 | 703-228-3800. For more information, visit (keyword: noise control ordinance). Understanding NOISE. “A ...

9. Noise Complaints - Arlington, WA

  • Construction Hours are from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Saturday. You may contact the Permit Center at 360-403-3551. You can file a noise complaint ...

  • You can file a noise request through service request with the City and a staff member will address it.

10. Noise -

  • No information is available for this page. · Learn why

11. Arlington County Updates Noise Ordinance; Penalties for Repeaters

  • May 12, 2014 · Arlington County Updates Noise Ordinance; Penalties for Repeaters - Arlington, VA - Top complaints from community include loud parties or ...

  • Top complaints from community include loud parties or gatherings, construction noise, animal noise and live entertainment venues.

12. Arlington County Civic Federation The Civic Voice of Arlington, Virginia

  • The ACCF Planning and Zoning Committee has prepared a Noise Ordinance Resolution that will be presented at the November 13 meeting. The Arlington County website ...

  • Arlington County Civic Federation archive page.

Arlington Va Noise Ordinance (2024)


What are quiet hours in Arlington County? ›

Who enforces the Noise Ordinance?
Type of Noise Disturbance?Time of Day?Who to Call?
Nighttime Disturbance (Includes yelling, wailing, shouting or screaming that can be heard within a nearby dwelling)9 p.m.–7 a.m. weekdays; 9 p.m.–10 a.m. weekends & holidaysPolice 703-558-2222
7 more rows

What is the noise ordinance in Arlington City? ›

Yes, Arlington City Ordinance 161 says that any person who causes or allows loud music or other disturbing noises to originate from his property in an unreasonable manner or at unreasonable hours which would tend to alarm or disturb the peace and tranquility of his neighbors shall be guilty of creating or maintaining a ...

What are the quiet hours in Virginia? ›

It is unlawful for any person to make unreasonably loud or unnecessary noise in public places between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Please see Sec.

Is a noise violation a misdemeanor in Virginia? ›

A violation of the noise ordinance is a class 2 misdemeanor.

What time do people have to be quiet at night? ›

Most local noise ordinances designate "quiet hours"—for example, from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. on weekdays and until 8 or 9 a.m. on weekends.

What time can construction start in Arlington, VA? ›

What time may construction work occur? Construction activities, including use of power equipment, may exceed the normal noise decibel level from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday to Friday, and 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on weekends and legal holidays.

What time do you have to stop being noisy? ›

Most local ordinances include "quiet times." A typical ordinance prohibits loud noises between 11 p.m. and 7 or 8 a.m. on weekdays and 11 p.m. or midnight until 8 to 10 a.m. on Sundays and holidays. It is worthwhile to check your local ordinance before making formal complaint so that you can cite the law.

How loud are you allowed to be at night? ›

Any noise exceeding 70 dB is considered disturbing. Residential limits usually start at 60 or 55 dB (the equivalent noise of a regular vacuum cleaner). Time limits usually apply after 10 pm and until 7 am.

How loud do you have to be for your neighbors to hear you? ›

How Many Decibels Can Neighbors Start To Hear? Neighbors will often be able to hear noise around 40 to 50 decibels. However, it depends on how close they live to you and how your home is constructed. Different apartments have different flows of noise.

What is the code 654.02 in Virginia? ›


What is the decibel limit in Virginia? ›

No person shall operate any motor vehicle with a gross weight of 6,500 pounds or less with an exhaust system that emits noise in excess of 85 decibels. Such noise level shall be measured from a distance of at least 50 feet, unless otherwise provided by law.

Are there quiet hours in the US? ›

Most noise ordinances set maximum levels for two time periods: Day (7am to 10pm) and Night (10pm to 7am).

What level of noise is considered a nuisance? ›

Different people react to noise in different ways. Noise levels that can cause extreme offence to one person may not impact on another. A noise may be irritating but not be a 'statutory noise nuisance'. There are no fixed levels of noise which constitute a statutory nuisance.

How do I report a noise complaint near me? ›

If you have a problem with noise related to a business, construction or demolition in unincorporated Los Angeles County, call 213-738-3220. For other noise issues, call your local police department for assistance.

What is a nuisance law in Virginia? ›

All houses, boathouses, buildings, club or fraternity or lodge rooms, boats, cars and places of every description where alcoholic beverages are manufactured, stored, sold, dispensed, given away or used contrary to law, by any scheme or device whatever, shall be deemed common nuisances.

What are quiet hours in Texas? ›

(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or cause to be operated any horn, player piano, radio, phonograph or other loud-speaking or noise-making device or attachment on the public sidewalks, streets and other public places within the city before the hour of 7:00 a.m. or after the hour of 10:30 p.m. of any ...

What time is quiet hours in DC? ›

(d) It is unlawful for a person to make an unreasonably loud noise between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. that is likely to annoy or disturb one or more other persons in their residences. (e) It is unlawful for a person to urinate or defecate in public, other than in a urinal or toilet.

What are the quiet hours in Euless? ›

The playing of any radio, phonograph or other musical instrument in such manner or with such volume, during the hours between 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., as to annoy or disturb the quiet, comfort or repose of persons of ordinary sensibilities in any dwelling, hotel or other type of residence.

What is the noise ordinance in Arlington Heights IL? ›

According to the ordinance, which was approved on a 6-0 vote, construction, repairs and blowers are allowed from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays and on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Commercial establishments 50 feet from a residential property must adhere to regulations between 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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